
Pro Serv Blogs

Establishing Your Expertise: Building Your Brand & Authority Through Authorship

In today’s competitive world of boutique professional services, establishing your brand and authority is more important than ever. While there are numerous strategies to achieve this, today we’ll focus on one of the most impactful methods: writing a book. After all, you can’t spell authority without author. Here are three steps to becoming an author and enhancing your professional standing, and why partnering with a professional publisher is the smartest choice.

Pro Serv Blogs

From Consultant to Authority: Unleash Your Boutique Service Firm’s True Potential

In boutique professional services, there’s a crucial distinction that can significantly impact the growth and scalability of your firm. This distinction lies in the roles of being a “Consultant” and an “Authority.” Let’s delve into the definitions and implications of these terms, with examples from within the boutique professional service industry segment.