How do I use it?

  • Two 1 hour sessions per week
  • Wednesday: The Boutique In Theory taught by Greg Alexander
  • Friday: The Boutique In Practice taught by a Member Role Model
  • Attendance: 50 – 100 Members
  • One 1 hour session
  • World-Class speaker on a member chosen topic
  • Attendance: 50 – 100 members
  • Format: 30 minutes of content, 30 minutes of Q&A
  • Regional CEO Dinners
  • Attendance: 15 – 25 members
  • Format: Social gathering to connect with peers in your region
  • Annual Conference: Collective 54 Founders Summit
  • Location: The Historic Stockyards in Fort Worth, Texas
  • Attendance: 200+ Members
  • Format: 2-day conference
  • Agenda: Interactive workshops, Awards Ceremony, VIP Dinner, World-Class Speakers

What are the expectations?

- Time investment ~1 hour per week
- Blend of live and on-demand sessions
- Customized journey based on your firm's goals

How is Collective 54 different?

Collective 54 is focused on a:
- Single industry - Professional Services
- Single segment - Boutiques (10-250 employees)
- Single person - Founders / Owners / CEOs

Who Should I involve?

Two types of Members:
- Individual
- Team - Power Members