First Half of 2023: Utilization by Firm Size
Here is the utilization by firm size for the first half of 2023.
Here is the utilization by firm size for the first half of 2023.
Here is the utilization by pro serv segment for the first half of 2023.
Here is the revenue growth by firm size for the first half of 2023.
First Half of 2023: Revenue Growth by Pro Serve Sector
Here are the most often cited reasons for discounting in professional services.
Poor financial management, inefficient operations, and market dynamics are 3 reasons you lose money. Why?
“Scope creep” destroys firm profits and client satisfaction.
Experience and Expertise: More experienced professionals command higher prices. Geographical Location: The location where the service is performed can impact
Members are complaining that their sales cycles are taking too long. But, when asked why, they cannot answer.
What is dead equity? Dead equity is equity held by people who no longer work for the firm.