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Transform Your Marketing Agency with Collective 54: A Success Story

In the fast-paced world of marketing, success often depends on your ability to close deals effectively and consistently. This is the story of Sarah, the founder of a small marketing agency who faced a common challenge in the industry – generating sales opportunities but struggling to close them at the end of a sales campaign. Sarah’s journey with Collective 54 not only transformed her agency but also her perspective on what’s possible when you’re part of a mastermind community.

The Road to Collective 54

Sarah had been considering joining Collective 54 for over a year, but she was apprehensive. She believed she didn’t have the time to participate, and she questioned if she was the right fit for such a community, as she had never been in a mastermind community before. Finally, she took the plunge and signed up for a 30-day free trial to test it out.

During the trial, Sarah participated in a member session that would change her approach to sales. The session focused on handling requests for references from prospects, and one Collective 54 member became her role model.

The member’s approach was simple yet powerful – he refused to provide references to prospects at the end of a sales campaign. His rationale was clear: clients didn’t sign up to take calls from tire kickers looking for free advice, which is what many reference calls turned out to be. Moreover, he explained that he wanted clients who were already bought into the idea of working together, as a request for references often indicated skepticism. He also respected his clients too much to insult them by having prospects delegate reference calls to junior employees.

Instead of references, he offered alternative forms of proof, such as recorded video testimonials and written client case studies. This approach resonated with Sarah and inspired her to join Collective 54. She had never considered refusing the reference requests from prospects, and never considered offering alternatives such as testimonials and case studies. She was using testimonials and case studies but earlier in the sales campaign, not at the end as a closing tool. This insight is what proved to Sarah that learning from peers in a community is the best type of learning because it goes beyond what to do and discusses how to do it.

A Journey of Transformation

Upon joining, Sarah quickly realized that even though she had built a successful agency, there was much more to be done to scale it. She enrolled in Collective 54’s “Blocks” program, which assigned her a mentor and challenged her to produce meaningful outcomes every 90 days in an agile sprint.

The regular accountability sessions with her mentor forced her to work on her business and get things done. She could no longer make excuses and procrastinate on firm building. Her mentor was a peer, a fellow member, helping her out of the goodness of his heart. She did not want to let him down.

Over the course of 18 months in the membership, Sarah improved her agency’s margins from 21% to an impressive 37%, allowing her to take her first shareholder distribution ever.

During the Christmas week, a bottle of wine from Sarah arrived at my Texas ranch, as a token of gratitude. It read, “Thank you for helping me professionalize my firm.” That glass of California Cabernet by the fire pit under the Texas sky hit the spot. Sarah is on her way and my work had proved to make a difference. I texted a picture of me drinking it to her mentor to say “way to go”. He texted me back the same picture as he got the same gift! This is the power of community.

Why Join Collective 54?

Sarah’s success story highlights the transformation that can occur when founders of marketing agencies become part of a mastermind community like Collective 54. Here are three compelling reasons why you should consider joining, and why Collective 54 stands out:

    1. Proven Strategies for Success: Collective 54 offers a platform where you can learn from successful industry professionals who have faced and overcome the same challenges you’re dealing with. The practical insights and strategies shared in member sessions can significantly impact your business’s growth and profitability.
    2. Accountability and Mentorship: Through programs like “Blocks,” Collective 54 provides founders with mentorship and accountability that are often missing in the entrepreneurial journey. This level of support ensures you stay on track and make meaningful progress toward your goals.
    3. Community and Networking: Being part of Collective 54 means joining a network of like-minded individuals who understand your unique challenges. This community fosters collaboration, knowledge sharing, and networking opportunities that can lead to valuable partnerships and business growth.

In conclusion, if you’re a founder of a marketing agency looking to overcome sales challenges, professionalize your firm, and take your business to the next level, Collective 54 is the ideal mastermind community for you. Sarah’s success story is just one example of how this community can transform your agency and propel you towards greater success in the marketing industry. Don’t hesitate to take that first step towards your own success story – join Collective 54 today.